Friday, April 9, 2010

#21...lions and tigers and zebras...oh my..

I thought this was really cool! I'd never heard, or even thought of a zebra's stripes playing such a key role in their survival. But really, humans are the same way. I like to think of the zebra with the red spot on it as a target for a bully, and the lion as the bully. In a crowd, the first thing a bully usually looks for is a physical or mental characteristic, because then it's easier to attack them. But if you take that dot away, and look at what all the zebras can do if they stick together, they can overcome an attack from a lion (or a bully in our case). It just goes to show that standing up for those in need, or working together as a team, we can overcome or beat the lion, whether the lion is a bully, or a world issue such as hunger, or even something as simple as the fear to stand up against what is wrong. Together we can make a difference.

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