Friday, March 26, 2010

#19 Pay It Forward... The Movie

I love this movie, and the concept. I thought it was very well done. I saw this movie when it first came out, and I've watched it around three times since. I think that it is such a simple concept, and completely realistic in my opinion. After all, doing three simple deeds for three complete stranger can't be that hard. The only unrealistic thing about the movie, I felt, is how every deed fell right into place perfectly, such as the homeless man, or the grandmother helping the thief. I think that if every person attempted to perform this simple yet courageous idea, the world would get just a little bit friendlier; however, expecting that everyone would at least attempt this feat would be completely unrealistic!

#14 A Spring Clean Up

I think a Spring clean up would be a win-win situation for everybody. I think it would be a great way to help the environment, and if everyone pitched in a little bit, we could all help make the world a better place to live in. As well, with the money we raise as a class, we could also raise over $500 to Me to We if we all participated. This would be a great character-building experience for us all; not to mention it would be fun, because although we're cleaning, we're cleaning with our friends, and almost anything can be fun if you're doing it with your friends!