Wednesday, April 7, 2010

#13 The Roseto Mystery

I think that the Roseto Mystery was very interesting. I think that the main reason behind the mystery is community involvement, independence, and cooperation. To begin with, all of the communities around them had bad cases of heart disease, whereas this independent group of immigrants did not. Since they only have themselves to depend on, they must work together as a community to complete a task rather then working individually. This could possibly result in their good health, because they are working more as a team, and they don't have to deal with as much stress as if they were working by themselves. They are all coming from the same past experiences, and thus they all have the same views and similar opinions, so no one's opinion is frowned upon, and everyone is looked at as equal. As well, since they have to work together, they would have to avoid fighting and arguing, and these things cause stress, and stress is very bad for the heart. Without stress, the heart does not get damaged like those of the other surrounding communities, and thus they have healthier hearts. I found this story very interesting, and it really makes me take a look at our community and wonder what we could do to change our lives and live healthier lives like the Roseto people.

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